MARA Heavy Period Treatment
Hysterectomy Alternatives
in Shreveport, lA
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The Mara Water Vapor Ablation System is redefining endometrial ablation.
By gently filling the uterine cavity with naturally expansive water vapor, Mara treats more women with varying uterine anatomies*,
does not require general anesthesia, and most importantly, safely and effectively reduces heavy menstrual bleeding. Learn more with Catherine Vanderloos, MD.

Benefits of Endometrial Abalation
Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that can be used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding. The procedure involves the destruction of the lining of the uterus, known as the endometrium. Endometrial ablation has been found to be an effective treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding in many women. It is also a safe and cost-effective alternative to hysterectomies. Learn more about all of our MedSpa services here.
Curious if you’re a good candidate for Mara endometrial abalation? Check out this link to learn more.