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Are You a Good Candidate for Endometrial Ablation?

Endometrial ablation can stop heavy periods that get you stressed out during your menstrual cycles and hinder you from performing your daily duties. For example, sometimes you are forced to change your pad or tampon after every hour, or you bleed for longer than usual. Your menstrual flow could also be painful or cause other health problems such as anemia. If so, this procedure could be the answer for you.

This procedure is not fit for everyone. Since the process is designed to reduce heavy periods, if you are already in your menopause or past it, the process is not for you. In addition, health practitioners will not recommend it to you if you have any of these conditions:

  • Cancer of the uterus, cervix, or endometrium
  • Recent pregnancy
  • Recent or current infection of the uterus
  • Disorder of the endometrium or uterus
  • Endometrial hyperplasia
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Vaginal or cervical infection
  • Weak uterine wall
  • A scar from a Cesarean Section
  • An intrauterine device (IUD)

You should also not have the procedure performed on you if you are pregnant or want to conceive in the future. It is important to discuss contraception with your doctor before settling on the process.

What is Endometrial Ablation?

Endometrial ablation refers to the surgical removal of the uterus lining to treat pain and period related spasms. After removing the uterine lining, your uterus will be left intact.

The procedure involves using microwave energy, cold temperatures, heat, or another one of the medically approved methods. These techniques help treat recurring heavy periods that cannot be controlled using typical medication.

In addition, the MARA heavy period treatment that Dr. Vanderloos performs makes the menstrual flow lighter or stops it completely. Therefore, if you are in Shreveport, LA, and want to find an effective way to stop your heavy periods, know your situation has a solution.

What are the Qualifications of a Good Candidate?

Some women experience painful monthly periods; others experience abnormally longer bleeding, spotting throughout the month, and others hefty flows. Treatment for this inconvenience and the unbearable condition typically starts with hormonal balance medication, which involves various therapeutic options. However, endometrial ablation is an excellent option for many women in because it is minimally invasive and does not require chronic medication use.

To determine eligibility for the procedure, doctors first ascertain the root cause of the unusual bleeding.

The eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • You must be a pre or perimenopausal woman
  • You must be suffering from heavy periods
  • You must not have the desire to get pregnant in the future
  • You must not have cervical, endometrial, or uterine cancer
  • Your uterus must be free from any infections

What to Expect from this Procedure?

The endometrial ablation procedure does not require an incision. In addition, your doctor will not make any surgical cuts. Instead, they will insert fragile tools through the vagina to get to the uterus. So, is endometrial ablation worth it? Please consider these common types of endometrial ablation, whether you are in Shreveport, LA, or other cities.

Hydrothermal: The doctor will gently pump fluids into your uterus, heat it, and after 10 minutes, the hot liquids will have destroyed the uterine lining.

Balloon therapy: Your doctor will guide a thin tube with a special balloon into your uterus. The balloon will then be filled with heated fluids, expanding the balloon and expanding the uterine wall lining.

High energy radio waves: The doctor will insert electrical mesh into your uterus then expand it. The radio wave energy and heat destroy the lining, which the doctor then removes by suction.

Freezing: This type involves a thin probe with a frigid tip that frees and destroys the uterine lining.

Microwave: A unique wand is used that uses microwave energy to destroy the lining.

Electrical: Although this is the least used method, doctors use an electric current to destroy your uterine lining.

In some cases, doctors may decide to undertake the endometrial ablation process in the office and sometimes in a hospital.

Endometrial Ablation Recovery

After the endometrial ablation procedure, it does not take long to recover, and many women get back to their daily routines within a few days.

After an endometrial ablation procedure, you might experience the following:

  • Cramps for a few days
  • Vaginal discharge for the first few weeks
  • Frequent urination for the first 24 hours

Your doctor may also advise you to avoid sex, tampon use, and too many physical activities. You may call your doctor if you experience the following:

  • Trouble passing urine
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Strong smelling vaginal discharge
  • Intense cramping and stomach pains
  • Bleeding that does not stop in two days after the endometrial ablation procedure

Is Endometrial Ablation Worth It?

Are heavy periods affecting the quality of your life? Do you still have the question “is endometrial ablation worth it” unanswered? Excessive menstrual bleeding has a deeper meaning than just heavy bleeding. The bleeding harms a woman’s life in several ways. Medical research indicates that approximately 80% of women with abnormal uterine bleeding report that their heavy bleeding affects their social, physical, and mental health. Women with the challenge also miss several days off school or work, waiting long before receiving treatment.

Now it is time to know the origin of your problem. Contact us today to learn more about your treatment options and the endometrial ablation cost, whether you are in Shreveport, LA, or nearby cities. Dr. Vanderloos can conduct a one-time, non-invasive endometrial ablation procedure which has already been performed on several women successfully.

Image Source: Papa Annur / Shutterstock