Step by Step Guide to Microblading

  • Microblading is a semi-permanent alternative to tattooing for thicker, fuller eyebrows.
  • Using precise, hair-like strokes, microblading results in a more natural appearance with enhanced brows.

Many people want full, well-defined eyebrows to enhance their physical appearance. This look is often hard to achieve with your natural brows, so you may choose to get a cosmetic procedure called microblading done by a certified practitioner such as Dr. Catherine Vanderloos in Shreveport, Louisiana. This procedure is an alternative to eyebrow tattoos and powder brows and results in a beautiful, semi-permanent look that will enhance your facial features.

What Is Microblading?

Microblading is a cosmetic procedure in which a technician uses a small needle to draw featherlight hair strokes on the skin to fill in eyebrows. These hand-drawn strokes give your brows better definition and help them look thicker and fuller. They also allow the technician to give you a customized eyebrow shape that will suit your facial features.

How Is Microblading Different From Tattooing for Eyebrows?

Tattooing for eyebrows is a common procedure for many women. Because the ink from a tattoo penetrates the dermis with richer, more intense pigmentation than microblading, eyebrow tattoos are permanent. They can be designed to look natural, but tattoos are less precise than microblading, and the ink often begins to bleed after several years. If you choose to have tattooed eyebrows, you need to seek tattoo artists’ help because they have experience with the special ink and needles used to draw entire eyebrows.

In contrast, microblading applies pigment to the surface of the skin. You don’t have to worry about it washing away when you clean your face or take a shower, but the pigment does fade over time. On average, you can expect the results from a microblading treatment to last between one and three years. The light, precise strokes provide a more natural look but need to be done by someone skilled in the art of microblading, not just tattooing.

What Are the Benefits of Microblading?

Microblading is a simple, outpatient cosmetic procedure with easy aftercare requirements. The skin around your eyebrows may appear red and irritated for up to two weeks after the procedure, but it will go away without treatment. There is no downtime for this procedure, and you are free to resume most of your daily activities right after receiving the treatment. Because microblading is a semi-permanent solution to keeping your brows full and thick, you can easily reverse the effects if you don’t like them by simply refraining from having your brows redone when the original pigment fades. However, you do need to keep up with regular treatments if you want to keep the look of your enhanced brows.

How Is Microblading Done?

A single microblading session may last for a few hours, but the practitioner must use painstaking precision to effectively shape and fill in your brows. You can expect the technician to perform the procedure using the following steps.

  • Shape existing brows: The practitioner will prep the eyebrow area by threading hairs and removing stay hairs. He or she will then clean and prep the area to absorb the ink properly.
  • Numb the area: The technician will place a topical anesthetic in the form of numbing cream on your natural brow and the surrounding area. The anesthetic typically takes up to 40b minutes to take full effect, so during this time, the practitioner will show you color swatches so you can decide with hue and brow shape will look best on your face.
  • Mark the area: Just before the numbing cream kicks in, your microblading professional will start to measure and mark the natural brow. This gives him or her a better idea of enhancing the natural eyebrows to the end result is a more natural, well-defined look.
  • Start the needling process: The practitioner will then use a small needle to scratch the skin’s surface and apply pigment. Each stroke is drawn precisely and mimics your natural eyebrow hairs’ appearance. Most patients feel no pain during this stage, but we can apply additional numbing cream as needed. This second layer of topical anesthetic typically takes effect within five minutes.
  • Apply final pigment: The final step is to apply a thick layer of rich pigment over the new brows. This pigment has to sit on your skin for five minutes to enhance the hue of the microblading. Once we remove the extra pigment, we’ll clean up the area and provide you with aftercare instructions.

Contact Dr. Vanderloos for MedSpa Services in Shreveport, La

If you are interested in having a microblading procedure done to enhance your natural eyebrows and give them beautiful definition, Dr. Catherine Vanderloos can help. Our practice sits just off Highway 3132 near the intersection of Ellerbe Road and the Inner Loop Expressway, putting us in the perfect location to provide Shreveport, Louisiana residents with all of their microblading needs. If you want to schedule an appointment for a microblading consultation with our practice on Ashley Ridge Boulevard, contact us online or reach out by phone by calling (318) 865-4333 today!

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