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Is Vaginal Restoration Right for Me?

Whether you have given childbirth, are going through menopause, or have other hormonal or aging changes, you may want to improve the tone, function, and appearance of your vaginal area. In the past, your options for vaginal restoration were fairly limited, but now there are both surgical and nonsurgical treatments that can reduce symptoms associated with vaginal relaxation. Read on to learn more about the different types of procedures used to restore the vagina, rebuild your confidence, and restore the exterior genital structures of your body.

Aging & Your Vagina

Many women who have had children or who are reaching an older age, may notice changes with their vaginal area. Some of these changes include:

  • Difficulty with bowel movements
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Decreased vaginal lubrication
  • An excess of scar tissue around the vaginal opening
  • Muscle laxity that makes using tampons a challenge

Some women may also be self-conscious about the appearance of their genital area or experience decreased sensation during intimate moments. With Dr. Vanderloos’ vaginal restoration, you may experience a better tone and tightness that can reduce some or all of the symptoms they have. Sexual satisfaction is also a benefit of the treatment; with many women who do elect to have restoration, claim that their sex life has improved.

Treatment Possibilities

Surgical vaginal restoration has been the gold standard for years because of the guaranteed results, but it may not be the best treatment for you if you plan to have more children. Vaginoplasty, a surgery is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia to tighten both inner and outer vaginal muscles or to remove excess labial tissue, is another option, but can be inconvenient depending on your work schedule.

Newer methods that might fit your lifestyle better are called radio-frequency and laser restoration. These treatments are not invasive and do not require anesthesia. Both procedures can be performed in-office and may take less than fifteen minutes to complete. Patients may experience mild discomfort during the treatment, but they typically do not need downtime to recover and may resume regular activities within a day or two.

Is MonaLisa Touch or Votiva Right for Me?

Almost any woman who desires vaginal restoration can have one of these procedures. However, they are not recommended for women who are currently pregnant or plan to become pregnant in the near future. Women who have had an abnormal pap smear, a hysterectomy, medical conditions which involve blood thinners, or medical conditions that alter healing may also need to discuss with their doctor what options are best.

Are you interested in learning more about the latest techniques and how they can make you more confident and comfortable with your body? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Catherine Vanderloos MD to learn more about your options.