How Long Does Votiva Last?

Votiva offers an alternative to surgery if a patient suffers from a myriad of vaginal issues. This short, painless procedure can treat a wide range of disorders, from prolapses to urinary incontinence. Dr. Vanderloos offers a wide range of treatments to help women like you who may be suffering from vaginal issues or discomfort.

But how long does Votiva last? In this article, we’ll go over what Votiva is, how it works, who is a good candidate for Votiva, and how long it lasts.

What is Votiva and How Does it Work?

The FDA has authorized Votiva as a non-surgical method of vaginal restoration. By targeting the labia, vulva, and vaginal canal, Votiva treatments use radiofrequency to target the inner and external vaginal region.

Votiva uses a tiny, hand-held device that uses radiofrequency energy to tighten vaginal tissue gently used in non-ablative treatments. This promotes the production of elastin and collagen, which helps to tighten the tissues of the vagina. There is no pain involved in the procedure. However, you may experience a mild warming feeling throughout the treatment.

There is no downtime, and this simple procedure only takes a few minutes, meaning you can continue your day as soon as you leave the office. Unlike surgery, there is no need to spend days recovering from the procedure.

Is Votiva Permanent?

Vovitva treatments are usually scheduled over a three months period, each treatment a month apart from one another. Maximum long-lasting results from Votiva treatmetns can be seen after the three month mark. After that, it is advised to have one maintenance session nine to twelve months later. It’s important to remember that each patient is different and that we’ll design your treatment plan based on your unique needs.

Although Votiva isn’t a permanent option, it is excellent for women who are hesitant to go the surgical route but would benefit from vaginal restoration.

Who is a Good Candidate for Votiva?

Every year, millions of women go to the doctor to get help for the painful and sometimes embarrassing signs that come from weak vaginal muscles. Symptoms like less sexual pleasure and problems with urine incontinence, as well as loose skin and vaginal protrusions, can all hurt your self-esteem, your sexual enjoyment, and your physical comfort.

Giving birth, getting older, and losing weight can all make vaginal structures less stable, which can cause swelling, looseness, and pain. Because childbirth and getting older cause the vaginal opening to get wider, they can also cause less feeling and stimulation during sex, as well as pain, dryness, and sensitivity. Additionally, Votiva is a safe and effective alternative to surgery. In a study reported by the NIH, Votiva is safe for the treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction.

Vanderloos offers Votiva Treatment in Shreveport, LA

Based in Shreveport, Louisiana, for the past 28 years, Dr. Catherine Vanderloos is a renowned gynecologist offering compassionate, top-notch care for women of all ages. Dr. Vanderloos is a NAMS Certified Menopause Practitioner (North American Menopause Society) and is especially focused on the quality of life of women going through menopause and perimenopause. Are you ready to learn more? Look at our testimonials to see how we have changed the lives of thousands of women like you. Contact us today to learn what Dr. Vanderloos can do for you!

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