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IPL Photofacial Recovery: What to Do After a Photofacial

Photofacials, also referred to as IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy as a gentle cleanser, is a way to renovate your skin from the inside out. Before we dig deeper into the tips, let’s find out – what is IPL photofacial? It is a skin therapy that benefits your skin by reducing dark spots, sun damage, redness, wrinkles, age spots, fine lines, and much more. To get the maximum IPL photofacial benefits, you need to choose the right doctor and friendly staff in Shreveport, LA. Whether you’re looking to opt for IPL therapy or you wish to know more about it, contact us to learn more. Let’s now move to the tips you need to improve your skin. 

Avoid Touching Your Face 

First of all, you need to avoid touching your face after the treatment. The treated area might feel puffed, or you might feel the urge to scratch, rub, or pick. Doing so can lead to serious complications and degrade the whole look. Avoid such things and give your face enough time to heal. To get some relief from the after-effects, you need to apply non-fragrance lotion twice or thrice a day. You can even opt for hydrocortisone cream to heal your skin and improve the IPL photofacial results. 

Protect Your Skin Against UVA & UVB Rays

Once you’ve completed your photofacial treatment, your next step is to avoid the sunlight for at least three weeks. Make sure you apply SPF 30+ sunscreen to your treated areas for effective results. This will help you avoid the IPL photofacial side effects and boost your skin. Avoiding UV rays will help you enhance both IPL photofacial before and after treatment. However, applying sun protection cream all the time isn’t possible. Make sure you keep it on whenever you go with the sun exposure. 

Avoid Excessive Heat & Ice It 

Heat is another thing that you must avoid after the treatment. Whether hot tubs, spa treatments, saunas, or excessive exercise, make sure you avoid such things for better results. You need to keep your skin away from heat for four days. Heat aside, your red and inflamed skin needs treatment. For this reason, it’s good to ice it regularly to get rid of red patches and inflamed skin. The symptoms will go away on the same day of treatment itself, but it’s good to keep your skin cool until it gets completely healed. 

Keep Your Skin Clean

Cleaning plays an important role in boosting the results and preparing your skin for IPL photofacial before and after treatment. To execute the process, you can use a gentle and mild cleanser along with warm (not hot) water. You can use it two times a day to protect the treated areas from dust, debris, and bacterial infections. If you feel something abnormal is happening in your skin, feel free to contact your doctor immediately and seek medical attention in Shreveport, LA. 

Be Patient 

Unwanted symptoms can make you impatient after the treatment. But the thumb rule for good IPL photofacial before and after results is to be patient. Even if you get a few symptoms of acne scars, relax! They will go on their own within one or two days. Always ask your doctor how much time you need to continue the aftercare. They can even add more tips to your bucket to help your skin recover faster and better. If you feel puffed skin stays long, avoid picking it up. Give your skin the time it needs to glow and give you a fab look. 

Select Your Skincare Wisely 

Lastly, but most importantly, you need to choose the right skincare products for the healing process according to skin tone. Choosing the wrong product will not only degrade the results but will also ruin your skin. Some of the products you must avoid are Accutane, alpha-hydroxy acids, glycolic acid, retinoic acid, and tretinoin. These products are rich in Vitamin A and give you negative effects. Remember, you will see IPL photofacial day by day, and for this reason, you must take care of your skin adequately. This will help you boost your skin results and get the best IPL photofacial before and after results. 

Next Steps: Where to Go for Photofacial

Following the above tips for treatment options will help you get maximum benefits from IPL therapy. Whether you’re looking to improve your skin or you wish to get rid of unwanted skin problems, IPL photofacial sounds like the best help. Before you hunt for the tips for IPL photofacial before and after treatment, choose a trusted and reputable doctor like Dr. Vanderloos in Shreveport, LA, to learn more. We have an experienced team that will guide you through the process and help you achieve the right results.

Image Source: Lyubov Levitskaya / Shutterstock